7 things therapists always do during a bad mental health day

If you’re human, it’s simply impossible to go through life without days of poor mental health. Whether it’s dealing with a negative experience, dealing with a life change, or just waking up in a bad mood, not feeling 100% mentally or emotionally is just a part of life.

The exact look of a bad mental health day will vary from person to person, some people may feel scattered or stressed while others feel low on energy and tired. No matter what one of those rough days feels like for you, it’s safe to say it’s unpleasant. And you certainly don’t want to do anything to make your rough day worse.

Even therapists have these days and there are certain things they personally do to take care of themselves when they happen. Read on for their tips:

1. They ensure that their physical needs are met.

I usually start by taking inventory of where my physical needs are and whether or not they’ve been met that day, said Em Evans, a therapist and co-founder of The Understory Group in Pennsylvania.

That can mean making a literal list of physical needs, Evans said. Did I take my medication? Am I drinking enough water? Have I slept enough? Have I eaten an adequate amount of food for that time of day? Have I moved my body in a way that makes me feel good?

Evans added that many times when I’m having a bad mental health day, I don’t notice that my physical needs have fallen behind and that can actually perpetuate the cycle. In other words, if you’re not fueling your body with food, water, and other necessities, you’re not doing your mental (or physical) health any favors.

2. They reschedule the things they don’t need to do.

When you’re having a rough day, it’s a good idea not to put any extra pressure on yourself, who wants to get a long to-do list when it’s hard to even get out of bed?

Nat Adey, a therapist and the other co-founder of The Understory Group in Pennsylvania, said that on days of poor mental health it can be helpful to assess what needs to be done today and what can be pushed later in the week.

Because sometimes being productive is just a layer of stress we don’t need, Adey said.

I also remind myself to give myself grace, said Payal Patel, a licensed marriage and family therapist who works with clients in North Carolina and New Jersey. And that things will be done when I feel better.

So, yes, vacuuming can happen tomorrow. That pesky errand can wait until the weekend. Chances are this work-in-progress project won’t sink if you hang on a few more days until you’re in a better space.

3. They avoid making big decisions.

Personally, I try to avoid making any big decisions, whether it’s planning a trip with someone or making an important medical decision, Adey said. If I’m not in the right headspace, I won’t make any decisions that could affect my life for the permanent future or just the foreseeable future.

Think about it: If you’re not in a good headspace, you may end up agreeing to something you really don’t want to do or making a decision out of anxiety and without thinking it through.

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Resting can be a good way to take care of your mental and emotional needs.

4. They go outside.

Nature is known to be good for your mental health. Studies show that being in nature can increase happiness, and taking a walk in nature compared to a busy environment can reduce stress.

If possible, Patel said, go outside when you feel like a brisk walk or even to sit outside for a bit, she said.

5. They prioritize movement.

It’s well-established that exercise can help you feel less stressed and can help you feel better emotionally, so when you’re not in a big headspace, getting moving might be a good idea .

I’m a big advocate of… moving my body, and whether it’s just going for a walk or doing a little yoga or going for a run and doing something a little more intense, I find that movement usually really helps. [to set] my day in a different direction, Adey said.

Even if you can’t motivate yourself to do your usual HIIT class or long run, try a short walk or gentle stretching class. Any kind of movement can help.

6. They connect with other people and not on social networks.

Evans said she tends to isolate herself when she doesn’t feel like her best self, which only makes her feel worse. And a little hand because I also try to limit my use of social media, Evans said. I can get stuck in an endless cycle of commuting, which just makes me feel a little worn out and exhausted.

But on top of that, when you’re isolating yourself in the real world and yet you’re going to be on social media for hours … it can give you the illusion that you’re connecting with other people, Evans added.

Liking someone’s Facebook post is not the same as sitting down and talking to them about their update. So I try to make a conscious, intentional effort to go connect with friends, loved ones, Evans noted, adding that it’s also helpful for her to be in a physical space with other people, like a park or a coffee shop.

I feel like your days of poor mental health really invite you to turn inward, and for me, at least, it takes a conscious and intentional effort to turn and allow myself to connect with other people and maintain the connections that they foster my best mental health space. So that’s where all my strategies start, Evans said.

7. They rest.

On days of poor mental health, I focus more on getting as much rest as I can, Patel said. This can mean anything from taking a nap to simply lying on the couch to rest your body, she added.

I’m not going to force my body to do more than it’s capable of, Patel said. And, on a rough day, simply moving from bed to sofa may be all you can manage and that’s okay.

When you’re not feeling well, you shouldn’t expect to be as active as usual. Instead, you should lean into the stillness that can eventually help you build up more energy and do the things you love to do.

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Image Source : www.huffpost.com

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