Does meat really provide all the nutrients you need? Top carnivore myths debunked

The carnivore diet, a regimen of meat and animal products, has gained popularity among some for its purported “health benefits.” But the idea that a diet based on all animal products is good for us has been widely condemned by health professionals.

Read more: What is the carnivore diet? Why people eat nothing but meat

A Harvard professor of epidemiology and nutrition previously described it as a “terrible idea,” and even the man known as the “king” of carnivorous diets recently admitted he didn’t know the long-term effects .

Meat and dairy products are high in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. Animal products also do not contain dietary fiber. By abstaining from plants in favor of animal foods, you will increase your risk of several diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

However, several myths surrounding this diet have given rise to misconceptions about its health. To debunk these myths, vegan science writer MIC The Vegan recently released a video that goes over some of the main claims made by diet advocates. You can watch the video and find a summary of what he had to say below:

Myth 1: Only meat provides all the necessary nutrients

Although meat is rich in protein and certain vitamins, relying solely on meat can lead to significant nutritional gaps. Essential nutrients such as vitamin B1 (thiamine), folate, and vitamins A, C, D, E, and K are found in abysmally low amounts in a meat-only diet. Reports, including from the carnivore community on Reddit, highlight deficiencies of these vitamins among followers. In particular, vitamin B1 deficiency can cause symptoms such as irritability and poor memory, and low folate levels have been directly linked to carnivore diet advocates such as Michaela Peterson.

Myth 2: Oxalate dumping

The concept of “oxalate dumping,” a theory that suggests eliminating plant-based foods flushes harmful oxalates out of the body, lacks scientific support. Oxalates found in plant foods should not be of concern to most people. While people with specific kidney conditions may need to monitor their oxalate intake, the general population benefits from the nutrients found in plant foods.

Myth 3: Dependence on electrolyte supplements is normal

Adobe Stock Carnivore diets lack vital nutrition

Discussions on carnivore forums often revolve around the need for electrolyte supplements to combat symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and cramps commonly known as the “keto flu.” This contradicts the claim of a perfectly balanced diet and highlights the body’s need for carbohydrates for proper electrolyte homeostasis.

Myth 4: High LDL cholesterol is harmless on a carnivorous diet

Dismissing high LDL cholesterol levels as unimportant is perhaps one of the most dangerous myths. High LDL cholesterol is a well-established risk factor for heart disease. Anecdotal reports from the carnivore community suggest an increase in cardiovascular symptoms, but are often rationalized. Research unequivocally links high meat consumption to an increased risk of heart disease, directly challenging the diet’s heart-healthy claims.

Myth 5: Scurvy and vitamin C deficiency are not concerns

Despite the claims of carnivore advocates, the risk of vitamin C deficiency and scurvy is real. Vitamin C is scarce in meat and practically absent in the amounts necessary to prevent deficiency. Historical and contemporary case reports of scurvy among those on meat-only diets underscore the need for vitamin C-rich foods for health. The body’s need for vitamin C cannot be overstated, as low levels are linked to an increased risk of mortality and decreased immune function.

The bottom line

In short, the exclusive nature of the carnivorous diet entails important nutritional risks. Although anecdotes and personal testimonials are the basis of its promotion, the lack of comprehensive scientific evidence to support its safety and effectiveness is telling.

Watch: A vegan doctor debunks the carnivore diet

Read more: Bear Grylls Under Fire to endorse natural liver, testicles and raw dairy diet

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