Myth busting: An expert explains why weightlifting isn’t just for bodybuilders

Weightlifting is often associated with images of bulky bodybuilders pumping iron in a gym. This misconception leads people to believe that weightlifting is only for those who want to achieve massive muscle gains and a sculpted physique. However, this is far from the truth. We spoke to our expert Ishaan Arora, a certified fitness trainer in India from Body Building in Karnal, who explained the benefits of weightlifting beyond bodybuilding.

Weightlifting benefits beyond bodybuilding

Strength beyond measure

“Contrary to popular belief, weightlifting is not just about building muscle mass. At its core, weightlifting is about developing strength, power and functional movement patterns,” said Arora. Whether you’re lifting heavy barbells or using lighter dumbbells, resistance training challenges your muscles, tendons and ligaments, promoting overall strength and stability. This improved strength not only improves athletic performance, but also translates into everyday activities, from lifting groceries to climbing stairs with ease.

Metabolic increase and fat loss

“Weightlifting offers numerous benefits, one of which is its ability to increase your metabolism, resulting in increased calorie burning during and after workouts. Unlike steady-state cardio, which primarily burns calories during exercise, lifting weights activates the “afterburn effect” or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) This means your body continues to burn calories at a higher rate post-workout as it repairs and rebuilds muscle tissue,” added Arora. Adding weights to your fitness routine can help speed up fat loss and improve body composition, even if you don’t intend to become a bodybuilder.

Also read: Cardio or weight lifting: An expert explains which is better for weight loss?

back pain

Bone health and prevention of osteoporosis

Did you know that lifting weights is not only good for your muscles, but also for your bones? Resistance training stimulates bone remodeling and strengthens bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and age-related bone loss. A comprehensive review involving 23,407 people aged 60 and over demonstrated a 34% reduction in falls among participants who engaged in a holistic exercise regimen, incorporating balance exercises as well as resistance and functional training .

Improved functional fitness

The ability to perform daily tasks and activities efficiently and easily is defined as functional physical condition. “Weightlifting improves functional fitness by improving mobility, stability and coordination, allowing you to move more efficiently and confidently in your daily life,” added Arora. Whether you’re lifting bags of groceries, moving furniture, or playing with your children or grandchildren, the strength and endurance gained from lifting weights can make everyday activities feel less daunting and more enjoyable.

Also Read: Weightlifting for Women: An Expert Explains How Weightlifting Benefits Women

Mental health benefits

In addition to its physical benefits, lifting weights can also improve mental health by reducing symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. This is due to the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters that promote happiness. A study of 33 randomized clinical trials involving more than 1,800 people found that resistance training two or more days a week significantly reduced symptoms of mild to moderate depression, especially for those with more severe symptoms.

Introduction to weight lifting

Arora emphasized, “If you’re new to weightlifting or hesitant to start, remember that you don’t need to lift heavy weights or spend hours in the gym to reap the benefits. Start with lighter weights and focus on mastering proper form and technique to prevent injury and maximize effectiveness Consider working with a personal trainer or certified fitness trainer to develop a safe weightlifting program tailored to your goals and fitness level.”

[Disclaimer: This article contains information provided by an expert and is for informational purposes only. Hence, we advise you to consult your expert before starting any exercise regime, especially if you are dealing with any injury or health complications.]

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