I have been a psychologist for over 20 years – this is how I manage stress

A little stress can be good for us, but too much stress, or chronic stress, can lead to health problems like anxiety, high blood pressure and even a weakened immune system, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Disease Prevention.

Allison Chase is a practicing psychologist with over 20 years of experience in her profession. And, like you, he also experiences stress.

“Sometimes it’s hard to be a mental health professional [because of] this idea that somehow you’re going to have the magic or things aren’t going to hit you the same way,” says Chase, who is a senior clinical advisor at the Eating Recovery Center and the Pathlight Mood and Anxiety Center.

“I’m a very real human being, too. The good news is that I’m able to tune into what’s going on and hopefully how to deal with it, but I’m definitely affected by stress, anxiety, all these things like everyone is.”

Chase pulls out the tools from her vault of decades of experience to keep the stress from consuming her. Here are some ways she manages her stress levels and how you can too.

1. Practice breathing exercises

To keep the overwhelming feelings at bay, Chase is mindful of his breathing.

“I really work on trying to calm my body because stress has physical effects on our bodies, everywhere. It affects us,” she says.

“And so one of the first things I try to do is tune into how my body reacts. Using my breath to slow down makes a huge difference in how I’m able to approach whatever is going on.” .

2. Ask for help

Chase often reminds herself that “none of us are superheroes” and everyone can only do what we can handle.

“It’s very important to recognize that and sometimes have a little bit of grace about what can be done or what can be managed and what can’t,” he notes.

When Chase faces a lot of stress, she asks for help and leans on the people she can count on. “It makes all the difference” to have a support system with people you can be open and vulnerable with, she says.

3. Get enough sleep

Between his daily responsibilities of meeting with patients, conducting clinical consultations with graduate students, and walking his dog, Chase can have very long days. “So my sleep is very important,” she says.

Ending her day early, around 9:30 p.m., sets her up for productivity the next day.

She begins to relax around 6 pm by preparing and cooking dinner with her husband. The couple makes sure to use dinnertime to catch up, and Chase likes to watch “mindless, distracting TV” for an hour, but cuts down on screen time on his phone before going to to sleep.

4. Prioritize joy

In addition to regular exercise or movement, Chase aims to do at least one thing each day that he enjoys. It doesn’t have to be grand as long as it brings you joy, she says.

“Even if it’s making a phone call to an old friend or sitting down and doing something that makes you happy, like getting a chance to read a blog article or listen to an audiobook, going for a walk, any of those things.” Chase says.

She prioritizes making time for meaningful social connection with people “who allow me to feel like I can really be myself.”

5. Take breaks

“When I find that I tend to be a little more irritable and not as calm in my approach to things, it’s usually an indication that [I] You need some time,” says Chase.

In those moments when she feels really exhausted and worn out, she takes breaks and uses her vacation time.

6. Set boundaries

One of the main ways Chase manages his own stress is by setting clear boundaries in all aspects of his life. Asserting yourself, for her, means “having your own limits, [knowing] what will work for you and what won’t work for you and don’t be afraid to establish them and be clear about them.”

She finds it challenging to set boundaries when she wants to be supportive and available to the people in her life, but she knows how important it is to take care of herself in order to show up properly for herself and others.

Chase’s work as a psychologist helps her figure out her approach to stressful situations, especially when she needs to set boundaries. “That’s one of the things I’m grateful to be able to do.”

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Image Source : www.cnbc.com

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