A five-minute mobility routine to help you feel calmer: BBC Ideas

A five-minute mobility routine to help you feel calmer

JOE WIICKS: Hello. My name is Joe Wicks and this is my five minute gentle mobility routine. I’ll take you through seven exercises. They’re nice and soft, low-impact, just to open up your joints, improve your posture, and make you feel good and energized. The first thing I’m going to do is tap my toes. So feet wide and arms at the sides. We’ll just touch our toes gently if we can. If you can’t get that low, you can do it on your knees, just turning from left to right. You’ll feel a nice little stretch on the inside of your leg, and if you can, you’ll get a little more mobility, you can go down, touch your toes. perfect last seconds Five, four, three, two and one. perfect The next thing I want to do is a nice gentle squat. I’m just going to bend these knees, open my hips a little bit. And as we go down, we raise our arms, sweep them down. well And you don’t have to go very low. It’s just about getting a little bend in the knee, waking up those legs a little bit and creating a little bit of space again, opening up the hips. So down, raise your arms. perfect last seconds Three… ..two, the last one. And relax. perfect The next thing I want to do is get down to the ground, actually. We will have the left foot forward, the right knee on the ground. We’re going to do a really big hip flexor stretch. We’ll raise our arms, pull forward into this low lunge, hold for a few seconds, come back, relax, and reset. So pull your arms up, give your lats a good stretch, just rocking forward. And, if you can, each time go a little deeper in this section. perfect The last. Then we’ll switch sides. stretching out perfect Well, the same. Right foot forward, left knee on floor. 0042 00:01:40:16 00:01:42:13 Again, we’re trying to make a stretch here, 0043 00:01:42:14 00:01:44:18 so let’s put our arms up. Great stretch This is a lovely deep stretch through those hip flexors. Going again, they return the arms. Bring them up. You may find that one side is a little tighter than the other. This is quite normal. But again, this is a very good hip opener. If you sit a lot, you’ll find that those hip flexors, those muscles, are pretty tight. The last. Lay back. Deep breathing And relax. perfect OK, standing up. The next thing I want to do is some arm circles, just to get those shoulders moving. Such nice big circles, up with those hands. Bring them back. It just spins. You may feel a slight click in your shoulders. That’s all right. And then it just changes direction. The same: bring these arms in the same movement, in the opposite direction. Let’s do three more. Three… ..two, the last one. And relax. perfect Now we’re going to go into little side bends, just to stretch a little bit between our backs and our side. We’re going to get that arm up and up. well Return to your hip. The same. Reaching for the hand and each time taking a deep breath. Going a little deeper each time. charming Keep it up. Last seconds in this one. Oh! It’s a stretch. Five… ..four… ..three… ..two and one. charming brilliant Give them a little shake. Now we’re going to get into a really cool yoga exercise called downward dog. Let’s go down to the ground. We will put our hands on the ground. And from this position here, get up into a high plank and you’re going to push these hands into the floor and push your heels into the floor, so you’re coming off those heels. You’ll feel a nice big stretch for your hamstrings and calves, and really push those hands into the floor. Get a good stretch for your shoulders and lats too. well Just keep walking in this position. last seconds And then, if you want, you can push both feet into the floor, hold that position for five, four, three, two, one. And rest excellent Well, standing up. We have one more exercise. The last. Again, just to get the heart rate up a little bit, we’ll do a walk in place. Nice and gently, just lift your knees. We’re just going to do this for 30 seconds to finish this little workout we’re doing. charming So get your knees up as high as you can, feel your hips working, and keep those arms straight, and only lift, if you can, as you lift your knees. brilliant Well, the last 15 seconds. A little faster if you want. Consider raising your heart rate. It’s been a lovely, gentle little routine. Open up our joints, hopefully you’ll improve your posture, and hopefully if you’re feeling a little stressed, you’ll feel a little happier, a little calmer. last seconds In three, two, one. And relax. Here you are. This is my five minute gentle mobility routine. I hope you liked it. Have a great day and see you next time. Take care of yourself.

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Image Source : www.bbc.co.uk

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