A psychologist explains the difference between psychopaths and sociopaths

The terms psychopath and sociopath are often used interchangeably in pop culture and casual conversation. To the everyday person, they are used to describe dangerous, violent or disturbingly cruel people, those who lack empathy and are capable of deplorable acts.

However, in the field of psychology, these terms are different and both have unique characteristics and implications. While arguing over semantics may seem trivial, the consequences of misinterpreting these two terms can lead to serious errors in judgment.

What is sociopathy?

Research from Current Psychiatry Reports explains that what used to be known as sociopathy is what we now know as Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD). This disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregarding and violating the well-being of others. Sociopathic behavior is understood to typically begin in childhood or early adolescence and continue into adulthood.

According to the authors, the prevalence is estimated at 2-3% in the general population, with a higher presence in men (about 3%) compared to women (about 1%). Among prison populations, the rates are significantly higher, with 47% of male inmates and 21% of female inmates meeting the ASPD criteria.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) establishes specific criteria for diagnosing ASPD or sociopathy. To meet the diagnosis, a person must show moderate or great impairment in personality functioning, with characteristic difficulties in at least two of the following areas:

  1. identity Egocentric derivation of self-esteem from personal gain, power, or pleasure.
  2. Self-direction Goals are generally based on personal gratification and strive to comply with legal or culturally normative ethical behavior.
  3. empathy Lack of concern for the feelings, needs, or suffering of others, and an absence of remorse after causing harm to others.
  4. Intimacy Inability to form mutually intimate relationships and instead maintain relationships characterized by exploitation, deception or coercion.

In addition, a diagnosis of ASPD also requires individuals to display at least six of the seven pathological personality traits:

  1. Manipulativeness
  2. insensitivity
  3. Cheating
  4. The hostility
  5. Assumption of risks
  6. impulsivity
  7. irresponsibility

What is psychopathy?

Psychopathy, on the other hand, is a form of ASPD, but it is a different concept nonetheless. According to research, psychopathy is characterized by several affective, interpersonal, lifestyle, and antisocial traits that make it very similar to the criteria for sociopathy.

Psychopaths will show a lack of empathy, guilt, or remorse, along with shallow, deficient affection. They can also display grandiosity, arrogance, deceit, and manipulation, most of which can also be seen in sociopathy. However, along with impulsivity, they also tend to engage in planned and deliberate antisocial behaviour. The prevalence of psychopathy in the general population is about 1%, but is significantly higher among prisoners, estimated at around 25%.

Importantly, DSM-V recognizes psychopathy as a unique variant of ASPD, often called primary psychopathy. This form of ASPD is characterized by a lack of anxiety or fear and a bold interpersonal style that may mask underlying maladaptive behaviors. Their key traits include low levels of anxiety and withdrawal, with high levels of attention-seeking and social dominance. This combination of traits contributes to the social potency and emotional resilience often associated with psychopathy.

Why the differences between sociopathy and psychopathy are important

Although the two concepts are commonly understood as equivalent to each other and, in fact, are quite similar research from the journal Aggression and violent behavior explains that they describe different patterns of behavior within ASPD. These differences lie in two key areas:

  1. Behavior patterns. Psychopaths are often very manipulative, often with a superficial charm that helps them fit into society. They usually have a more calculated and methodical approach to their actions. They are more likely to plan their crimes or manipulative behavior and may maintain a facade of normalcy for extended periods. They are also less likely to be reactive and more inclined to avoid detection. Sociopaths, however, are more erratic and impulsive in their behavior. They are often prone to emotional outbursts, anger or aggression. They may have difficulty maintaining stable relationships or jobs, and are less likely to hide their antisocial tendencies as well as a psychopath. Their behavior is more likely to be disorganized and chaotic, and therefore they will have more difficulty fitting into society than a psychopath.
  2. Empathy and awareness. Psychopaths generally lack empathy and moral conscience. They may fake empathy to manipulate others, but they don’t genuinely feel it. This trait can make them especially dangerous in positions of power or influence. In contrast, sociopaths may have a limited capacity for empathy or a sense of morality, but their emotions are more volatile. They can form bonds with a small group of people and even have their own rudimentary sense of right and wrong, even if they often act against social norms.

Although these two concepts often go hand in hand, the divergence between them is clear.

Psychopaths tend to operate with cold calculation; they orchestrate their behavior with chilling precision. They may lie and charm their way into circles of trust, only to manipulate and deceive for personal gain. Sociopaths, however, are less predictable; they are much more prone to spontaneous outbursts and have less regard for carefully constructed facades.

Knowing this difference can be crucial not only for academic curiosity, but for your own safety and the fair treatment of those who exhibit these traits. These contrasting characteristics have real-world implications in social settings, workplaces, and even the criminal justice system. While both can be dangerous, the paths they take to do harm are often very different.

Are you curious about psychopathy and how it manifests itself? take the Psychopathy scale to understand the inner workings of a psychopath’s mind.

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Image Source : www.forbes.com

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