Collagen Supplements: The Scoop for Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails

Collagen has been touted as a “miracle worker.” From stronger bones to less wrinkles shiny skin, collagen appears to be the answer to aging. But regardless of all the hype, can collagen boosters actually achieve these things?

As it turns out, the answer is yes. Several studies have found that adding foods rich in collagen or supplements in your diet they offer a number of benefits and really help to improve the health of your skin, joints, hair and bones.

However, there are a few things you should know about collagen before incorporating it into your daily wellness routine.

Below, you’ll find a detailed explanation of collagen, including what it is, where to find it, how it can benefit you, as well as the downsides you should be aware of. Also, be sure to check out the best food sources for every vitamin and mineral you need i 10 tips for preparing inexpensive meals that are still healthy.

What is collagen?

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Before discussing its benefits, what is collagen? In summary, collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and accounts for one third of all proteins. It serves as a connective building block that holds muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones and skin together.

There are nearly 30 known types of collagen, but type I is the most common (it exists in all connective tissue and accounts for 90% of all collagen in the body). Types II, III, and IV are also common and are found in various parts of the body, including the joints, kidneys, ears, and blood vessels.

All of this brings us to another pertinent question: what is collagen for? Your body naturally produces collagen by combining multiple amino acids (like proline and glycine) with zinc, vitamin C and copper. However, as you age, production slows and the existing collagen in your body begins to break down at a faster rate.

When this happens, you may notice that the skin becomes wrinkled, the tendons and ligaments become less flexible, and the muscles shrink. To prevent or delay these effects, some people consume collagen (either through food or supplements) to compensate for what their body has lost.

Add collagen to your diet

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If you want to increase your collagen production, you should make sure your diet includes foods with these essential ingredients:

  • bone broth
  • Fish and seafood
  • chicken
  • Pig skin
  • eggs
  • Beans
  • citrus fruits
  • peppers
  • dried fruit

Eating a well-balanced combination of these foods is the best way to increase collagen levels. However, you can also consider taking supplements (usually in powder or capsule form) if you’re not getting enough collagen from diet alone.

For best results, experts advise taking a collagen supplement an hour before exercise, but always check the label and talk to your doctor before starting any new wellness routine.

Benefits of collagen

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore some of the benefits of collagen.

Builds stronger bones

Bones are full of collagen, but as you age, the protein begins to break down. In turn, this can lead to a decrease in bone strength and density. However, by incorporating collagen supplements into your diet, you may be able to prevent some bone loss and reduce your risk of bone-related problems such as osteoporosis and fractures.

Reduces joint pain

Collagen also works together with cartilage to keep joints functioning properly. Over the years, as it wears down, it can lead to joint stiffness and pain and increase the risk of osteoarthritis. The good news is that taking collagen has been found to reduce joint pain in physically active people. It can also serve as a pain reliever for people with existing joint problems.

Improves the skin

Your skin also contains collagen, which gives it elasticity and hydration when you’re young. But as it matures, the skin becomes looser and more wrinkled due to the depletion of collagen levels. Interestingly, studies have shown that adding more collagen to your diet can increase skin firmness and hydration, visibly reducing the effects of aging.

Promotes hair health

Collagen is created from some of the same amino acids that are used to build keratin, the protein that makes up hair. Because of this connection, there is some evidence that consuming more collagen can help hair health by promoting growth, reducing thinning, and slowing aging.

Add muscle mass

Muscle tissue is made up of 10% collagen. When the collagen in your body starts to break down, you can lose muscle mass and potentially develop a condition called sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss). Fortunately, studies have shown that collagen supplements, along with increased protein intake and routine resistance exercise, can help people with sarcopenia regain muscle strength.

Disadvantages of collagen supplements

Despite these benefits, there are also a handful of downsides to collagen supplements that you should be aware of before incorporating them into your routine.

Contain animal products (and sometimes allergens)

Traditional collagen supplements, and all dietary supplements in general, are made from animal products, so they are not suitable if you follow a plant-based diet. While there are some vegan collagen options on the market, it’s unclear how they compare to those made from animal products. Likewise, if you have food allergies, be sure to read the label on your collagen supplements carefully. In some cases, they may contain common allergens such as fish or eggs.

Regulation is a gray area

Collagen supplements are regulated as foods (not drugs) by the US Food and Drug Administration, meaning their ingredients and production are not controlled by an official government body. These products are not subject to the same regulations and strict approval process as pharmaceutical products, so it can be difficult to know the quality, purity and safety of the ingredients.

Efficacy studies are limited

While there have been studies on the effectiveness of collagen (many of which we have cited above), more research is needed. In addition, some of the existing studies have been funded by companies that produce collagen supplements, which may raise ethical questions about bias.

Supplements similar to collagen

Close-up capsules on a hard light mirror

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It is difficult to find other supplements that replicate the effects of collagen because its amino acid composition is different from other proteins. However, you can try increasing your intake of glycine and proline, key amino acids involved in creating collagen. They are most often found in protein-rich foods such as meat and poultry, but are also available in supplement form.

If you’re more interested in how collagen can help improve your hair, nails, and skin, you might consider keratin or biotin, which usually come in the form of shampoos and salon treatments, but are also sold as to dietary supplements. Biotin is also found in certain foods, including legumes, egg yolks, nuts, and avocados.

For more advice on supplements, here are five proven fitness supplements that work. Month, Check out these three alternatives to melatonin to sleep better without drowsiness the next day.

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