Column: The intersection of mental health and law enforcement

The month of May happens to be Mental Health Awareness Month and Law Enforcement Appreciation Month. It’s a time to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health, as well as honor our mental health and law enforcement professionals.

In the past, the intersection of mental health and law enforcement may have been indistinct, but in recent years, there has been a conscious effort to combine both sectors, creating a movement and pushing us to see how we as a nation address mental issues. health crisis in our communities.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that 60% of adults with a mental illness do not receive care. Healthline Media, a health information platform, completed a study of more than 90,000 people worldwide and found that the stigma of mental illness is one of the main reasons for not seeking care. Talking openly about mental health and recognizing that a mental health diagnosis is no different from a medical diagnosis will help us move away from the stigma that has long overshadowed mental illness.

When experiencing a mental health crisis, most people call 911 for help. Although law enforcement officers receive vigorous training, they have historically received little on how to engage with people in the community experiencing a mental health crisis. As a nation, this has been a disservice to both law enforcement and our communities. Law enforcement is not expected to put out fires or respond to medical emergencies, and we should not expect them to be the first or only responders to mental health crisis calls made to 911.

According to the American Psychological Association, at least 20% of police calls involve a mental health or substance use crisis, and that number is likely much higher. Many behavioral health agencies and law enforcement departments across the country are finding creative ways to respond to mental health crises in our communities through partnerships.

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