Doctor Q&A: What are the best supplements for memory loss? Dr. Renee Hoenderkamp answers all your burning questions

Minor health complaints are life-threatening as we age. Or at least that’s how it seems in our heads.

The fear is not entirely irrational: age is the predominant risk factor for many chronic diseases.

However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that problems affect you more the older you get and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Renowned NHS doctor Rene Hoenderkamp dispels this notion in her response to questions submitted by GB News members via this week.

Our resident doctor looks at the best supplements for memory loss, whether alcohol can increase your risk of dementia and what breast and armpit pain could mean.

Last week, he gave a rundown of the best drinks for good sleep, the best supplements for gut health, and his top tips for treating Morton’s neuroma.

It is important to remember that the advice given below is general and not individual and you should always seek individualized health care from a doctor.

With those caveats aside, see Dr Hoenderkamp’s response to burning questions from GB News members below.

Can drinking alcohol increase my risk of dementia? If so, how much?

I’m going to start with my mantra: everything in moderation!

Alcohol is a drug that is as old as can be, it changes how we feel, it is relaxing for some in social circumstances and it is enjoyed by many. However, as with any medication, there are risks and benefits.

There is good evidence that excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of developing the most common forms of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. Frequent alcohol consumption in adulthood may also increase the risk of early onset dementia.

But before you panic, what is binge drinking? Drinking more than the recommended weekly intake is defined as binge drinking. The recommended intake is one to 14 units per week for men and women, ideally spread over three days with several alcohol-free days. This is defined as moderate consumption. Drinking alcohol in moderation has not been conclusively linked to an increased risk of dementia.

But having said all that, it’s clear that drinking above this and bingeing are bad news for the brain and not only increase the risk of dementia, but can also cause long-term brain damage, known as alcohol-related brain disorder (ARBD). This happens over time, as drinking too much alcohol can cause changes in the physical shape and structure of the brain. Caused by the direct toxic effects of alcohol on the brain and lack of vitamin B1 (thiamine), symptoms can include;

  • Altered personality
  • Volatile mood
  • Difficulty thinking, learning and remembering
  • Impulse control problems that lead to inappropriate or offensive behavior

It can often be confused with conditions such as dementia/Alzheimer’s, but unlike these, it does not inevitably get worse over time. Recovery can be possible and stopping drinking combined with high dose vitamin B1 treatment can be good, with a lot of brain damage potentially reversed if early enough.

The weekly guidelines aim to outline a general framework, based on the latest science, to help you make informed drinking decisions. Drinking no more than 14 units a week does not guarantee that your health will not be adversely affected, but on the other hand, drinking more than 14 units does not mean that you will definitely have dementia or other health problems. But the data shows that if you drink at low levels, this keeps the risk of harm at low levels and remember, light drinkers live longer than abstainers! So we end as we began; everything in moderation.

Are there any supplements you would recommend for memory loss? I’m not as sharp as I used to be…

This is a really interesting question because the global market for brain boosting supplements is estimated to be worth 6.2 billion! And it’s clear from my first inquiry, that I could write a book. Therefore, I will focus on the main ingredients that seem popular and have some evidence. However, hard evidence is hard to come by as there is little good research on supplements which are not regulated in the same way as drugs and are of little interest to big pharma (they’re not dumb!).

There is definitely some promising data on some supplements showing improved cognitive performance compared to placebo. Watch below:


An amino acid found naturally in some mushrooms, green and black teas is linked to improved mental performance and ability to concentrate in some studies.

In a small Neuropharmacology study, participants who took 100 milligrams of L-theanine before a two-hour supervised task period made fewer errors during that time than those who received a placebo. There is no established dosage recommendation, but studies typically use daily doses between 100 and 250 milligrams.

Vitamin D

Deficiency is linked to conditions such as dementia, depression, autism and schizophrenia. A 2017 study in Current Geronology and Geriat Research suggests that vitamin D helps maintain cognitive function in older adults2


A 2022 study of more than 2,500 people age 60 and older found that those who consumed the highest amounts of magnesium through food and supplements had higher scores on cognitive tests compared to those who consumed the least. However, in both studies, it is unclear whether low magnesium levels increase the risk of dementia or whether people with dementia have low magnesium levels for some other reason.


An essential nutrient that helps the brain produce acetylcholine (found in eggs), which is needed for memory and general cognition. In a study of 2,000 older adults, those who consumed high amounts of choline tended to have a lower risk of cognitive impairment.


Ashwagandha is used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine to help improve memory and reduce stress. Emerging research suggests that ashwagandha may help improve cognitive function. In a small 2017 study in the Journal of Dietary Supplements, 50 adults with mild cognitive impairment were given 300 milligrams of ashwagandha root extract twice daily or a placebo for eight weeks. Those who took ashwagandha experienced significant improvements in memory, executive function, attention, and information processing speed compared to those who took a placebo. And a 2021 study on evidence-based complementary alternative medicine, Healthy adults who took 300 milligrams of sustained-release ashwagandha extract daily for 90 days experienced significantly improved memory and focus, compared to those who took a placebo.


Gut health is important for optimal cognitive function and overall health. Your gut is your second brain and a healthy gut is a healthy body that can handle life’s challenges.

In a 2021 study in the Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 12 weeks of supplementation with a combination of probiotics Bifidobacterium bifidum BGN4 and Bifidobacterium longum BORI appeared to specifically improve brain function and decrease perceived stress in healthy older adults.

So there are a few specific ingredients to go ahead with. There are many more and an evidence review in PubMed in 2021 found some evidence for the memory benefit of supplementing with ashwagandha, choline, curcumin, ginger, lion’s mane, polyphenols, phosphatidylserine and turmeric It’s interesting to note that for many common supplements that make memory/cognition claims, they found no evidence.

I think it’s also important to recognize that what we eat, throughout our lives, will affect how our brains work in that moment and how it stands the test of time. In his new book, consultant neurologist Patrick Holford writes: Less sugar, more activity, fish oil and B vitamin supplements can halve the risk of dementia and makes the bold claim: The charity Food for the Brain focuses on helping people make simple, positive changes that will give your brain and memory a boost and dementia-proof your diet and lifestyle in the future. So it’s worth checking out as well.

It’s all back to what you eat and it’s never too late to make changes and try some of these tricks. It is also recommended that you speak with your doctor before starting any supplement.

I hope this helps. It’s a great area!

I have chest pain that radiates to my armpit. I have noticed this for the past three days. I’m a little worried but nervous about Google. What could be causing this?

I know how scary it can be to have anything on your breasts. Women receive information about breast cancer because it is the most common cancer in women with a lifetime risk of one in eight women.

However, today I am pleased to say that your question did not panic me at all, the most common thing is that breast pain is not cancer, so there is no need to panic.

The cause of breast pain is varied and is usually related to the stage of life you are in; premenopausal, postmenopausal, pregnant or lactating.

The most common cause of breast pain in pre-menopausal women is hormonal and is mainly related to periods and usually gets better once the period starts. This type of pain is usually dull, heavy, aching, and affects both breasts, so it doesn’t sound like your problem. After menopause, however, hormones can still be the cause, but again, usually both breasts.

Since your pain is a chest and an armpit, we first need to think about muscle and ligament strains, either in the area itself or in the neck, shoulder or back. It can also be caused by arthritic pain in the joints of the chest cavity / neck / shoulder or trauma to the chest directly. Any injury or sprain in this area can be felt as chest/armpit pain. Some telltale signs are knowing you’ve had an injury, or that the pain increases with certain movements or is relieved by others. Timing is also important, as most strains will improve within a few weeks.

If you are breastfeeding, unilateral breast pain can occur in mastitis (inflammation of the milk ducts) and this can be mild and get better on its own as you continue to feed. However, if it gets worse, the skin is red and hot, you have a fever, you will need antibiotics so it is essential to call your GP. It’s also important to continue to feed the baby and express it when you can.

Having said all of the above, it is important to check your breasts regularly and especially when something new happens such as breast pain, changes in size or shape, nipple changes. If you self-examine regularly, for example monthly, you will more easily notice anything new. And if you notice anything new, see your GP immediately.

Here is a helpful guide to self-examination.

So, regarding your pain, I would wait a few days to see if it gets better, see if it gets better or worse with movement, check for lumps in your breast, and if so, see your doctor header. If not, watch and wait a few days and don’t panic, chances are it’s a simple thing.

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