Gardening in four ways is a great workout

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While many Canadians tend to their plants simply for the joy of it, the pastime also offers some real health benefits.goalkeeper/Getty Images

As warmer weather arrives in most parts of Canada, many people are preparing their gardens for another fruitful spring and summer. And while many Canadians tend to their plants simply for the joy of it, the pastime also offers some real health benefits.

When we garden, every part of the body benefits, says Dr. Andrea Furlan, a physician at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute and associate professor at the University of Toronto’s Temerty School of Medicine.

Here are four reasons why gardening is great exercise.

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Give your cardio a boost

Cardio is any movement that increases our heart rate and makes us breathe harder. By that definition, gardening is especially suited to people who are more sedentary or a little older, Furlan says.

Carrying bags of soil and plants and squatting and standing will cause your heart rate to increase. You are training your respiratory system by asking it to work harder than the baseline. Also, moving is good for blood circulation.

So while watering your flowers might not get your heart pumping, plowing the soil to prepare it for seeds or pushing a heavy wheelbarrow full of dirt is sure to get you feeling a sign that your cardiovascular system is compromised. No wonder a 2023 Penn State study found that adults 65 and older who gardened had better cardiovascular health than those who didn’t.

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Help with mobility

When you garden, you are constantly pushing, pulling, squatting and bending all the actions that are common in our day to day life. As Furlan says: We need these moves to survive.

With the added weight of soil and gardening equipment, these movements become functional exercises that can make your daily life easier. In particular, Furlan says, some can help keep joints flexible and decrease the likelihood of falls and other injuries. By exercising your legs and making them stronger, if you lose your balance, you can recover quickly without falling.

The activities can also lead to increased movement in general, which could prevent osteoarthritis, Furlan adds. The degenerative joint condition, common in older adults, can cause pain, swelling, stiffness and mobility problems.

We used to think that as people got older and used more joints, they would weaken, he says. Now we know that’s not the case.

It can boost your mental health

Gardening also has a number of mental health benefits. First, it increases awareness: focusing solely on the task at hand leads to being present in the moment. Furlan describes it as waiting time from the rush of activities, screen time, traffic, work and activities that are constant.

The hobby can also be a social activity, as gardeners are likely to share fruit and vegetable harvests or show loved ones photos of their flowers. It can be an opportunity to socialize with your grandchildren, neighbors, spouse, he says. Many people suffer from social isolation and it has many negative health consequences.

According to research conducted by scientists at the University of Chicago, these include an increased risk of hypertension, heart disease, obesity, a weakened immune system, cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s and even premature death.

Just being outdoors has many benefits

More and more mental health experts are recommending green exercise and outdoor physical activity for its positive effect on mood. And Furlan says people who spend more time outdoors tend to have fewer chronic illnesses and therefore live longer.

According to a 2019 study in Scientific Reports, spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and well-being, regardless of the length of each trip. Which means you can reap the benefits whether you’re heading outside for short visits or spending a couple of hours working on your garden bed.

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