My only recommendation for growing eyebrows is no serum – my remedy is proven

A TOPICAL treatment is not the best way to promote eyebrow hair growth, according to an expert.

She shared an alternative beauty solution and advised against applying products while waiting for patchy brows to fill in.


Star Khechara shared proven natural remedies to grow patchy eyebrowsCredit: Star Khechara
Khechara said prescription and over-the-counter products are not the best solution for hair growth (stock image)


Khechara said prescription and over-the-counter products are not the best solution for hair growth (stock image)Credit: Getty

Star Khechara is the creator of The Facelift Diet and founder of the Skin Nutrition Institute.

Speaking to The US Sun, she shared tips to stimulate eyebrow growth.

Brows can thin and become patchy due to skin disorders such as eczema, nutritional deficiencies or hormonal dysfunction during perimenopause, Khechara said.

It is important to understand the root cause so that you can take effective action.

Common nutritional deficiencies for general hair loss include the B vitamin biotin, vitamin A, zinc, and iron.

A lack of the mineral copper is specifically linked to sparse hair and eyebrow loss.

Hair growth cycles are regulated by vitamin D, so this is another vitamin that needs a lot of attention when experiencing hair loss of any kind.

An underrated mineral, silica is important for strong, resilient hair growth.

More read in Hairdressing and Beauty

My $14.90 purchase helped fill in my patchy brows, they are definitely thicker and so long I have to trim them now

Crash diets can also cause hair loss, as well as thyroid problems.


Khechara said prescription and over-the-counter products are not the most effective ways to cure any type of hair loss.

He recommended finding out what triggered it and fixing the cause.

The best natural and proven remedy to stimulate hair growth is hair nutrition,” he said.

They are not vitamin supplements, but real foods and botanical medicine.

Nutrition provides the building blocks for all body structures, including hair, so for a permanent solution it’s important to adjust your diet to one that promotes hair growth.

The entire eyebrow growth cycle takes 3-4 months.

Star Khechara

A hair growth diet would be anti-inflammatory, focusing on colorful plant foods, especially orange and yellow foods for the beta-carotene that the body converts to vitamin A.

Pumpkin seeds for zinc and amino acids needed for hair growth, bananas and mushrooms for biotin.

Healthy sun exposure in the summer with a D3 supplement in the winter to regulate hair growth cycles.

Cucumber or horsetail and nettle herbs that can be drunk as a tea for silica.”

Star Khechara Hair Growth Diet

Khechara recommends a “naturally anti-inflammatory diet” rich in antioxidants to grow eyebrows.

  • Orange and yellow foods for beta-carotene
  • Pumpkin seeds for zinc and amino acids
  • Bananas and mushrooms for biotin
  • Cucumber or horsetail and nettle herbs for silica
  • Dark berries, raw cocoa and green tea for polyphenols

Polyphenols are important for healthy hair growth, so eating dark juicy berries, raw cacao and drinking green tea is a delicious recipe for healthy hair growth, she added.

Green tea catechins are also known to inhibit an enzyme that can contribute to hair loss, especially in men.

For this reason alone, it’s important to avoid any fad diet that involves cutting out or severely limiting plant-based foods because they’re needed for antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and some of the hard-to-find minerals like silica.


Khechara said eyebrow loss is rarely localized, so it’s important to work on the health of the cellular structures to promote growth.

She added that there is no quick fix and that people should consider eyebrow loss as a whole-body problem.

The entire eyebrow growth cycle takes 3-4 months, but includes all phases of the cycle: Telogen [resting]Catagen [transitional phase]and Anogen the growth phase, he said.

During the Anogen phase, eyebrow hair grows at a rate of 0.14mm-0.16mm per day.

Eyebrow hairs will be in different phases from each other, so it can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 3 months for all hairs to grow back completely.

This is why it is important to be patient when using natural remedies for regrowth, it will take time.

I know it’s hard, but it’s important to avoid eyebrow products during this time, as dyes and other ingredients can irritate the hair follicles,” she added.

Khechara advised against applying products to eyebrows while they are growing (stock image)


Khechara advised against applying products to eyebrows while they are growing (stock image)Credit: Getty

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