No more hiding: Why I decided to take Ozempic and how it has worked for me

Being the hopeless liar that I am, I decided to “own” my Ozempic experience.

With my doctor’s check-up, approval and the final go-ahead, I embarked on this stage of a relatively short journey.

Like many of us, I had put on a few pounds (nine to be exact) during the Covid pandemic and had heard of Ozempic (bet you had too) a prescription drug used for people with type 2 diabetes 2.

It had also started to be used for weight loss. And the controversy surrounding it and the lack of stock available in pharmacies as a result had seen it become the weight loss story of the day and totally understandable as its use had many diabetics who depend on him in arms.

During the covid pandemic Melissa gained weight but was not obese (left), but now she feels much slimmer (right). Source: supplied

While it’s nobody’s business how we choose to lose weight, just hearing the term Ozempic often infuriates those who assume it’s an “easy option” when it comes to shedding the pounds.

I don’t have diabetes, but my BMI was such that my doctor did the legitimate tests and said I would be a candidate. Full disclosure here: I have never, ever been obese, a little chubby at times, but a slower metabolism told a different story.

When I was carrying my extra weight after the pandemic, I felt blah about myself.

Having worked in the media as a commentator and editor, as well as hosting regular TV segments, it recently occurred to me out of the blue that I was, umm, “a bit thick” to be on TV. Yes. If I were a guy…


Melissa had a little more face six months ago (left), but recently she’s feeling a lot more herself (right). Source: supplied

So I decided something had to change and went to the doctor’s office.

I wanted to share my story instead of hiding it. I thought long and hard about writing this (it will be a ripe gift for some trolls), but as the number of people using Ozempic grows, I thought it was time to get a real report, from someone who put it into practice

The active ingredient, semaglutide, works by mimicking the action of a hormone called glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), which regulates insulin secretion. It slows gastric emptying and regulates blood sugar levels, and in doing so curbs appetite.

The tiny little disposable needle (I made my stomach my pincushion) is not a magic pill. You still have to work on knowing what foods to eat, maintaining portion control and you have to REMEMBER to eat!

Melissa Hoyer in a red dress (left), black swimsuit (center), and burgundy dress (right).

Melissa went from carrying a few extra pounds (left) to a much slimmer frame (center and right). Source: supplied

I was on Ozempic for almost six months and lost nine kilos – a lot of my previously bloated belly and face and my legs, thighs and hips now look nice but not painfully slim.

“The Pen” (its colloquial term) measures out the exact 0.25 or 0.5mg you need each week and I never strayed. Do not overdose! For the first four weeks, take 0.25 mg before progressing to 0.5 mg per week.

Now I feel much lighter, active and cheerful. And I don’t even care a thing that sees me naked.


  • I noticed that a few kg gradually melted away during the first four weeks. I wasn’t that hungry and what I did prefer to eat was thin, clean and healthy.

  • Losing weight provided me with the motivation I needed to continue my journey to living a healthier lifestyle.

  • I won’t say no to a thick bowl of pasta or pizza, but in moderation.

  • It has stabilized my blood sugar levels, helped stabilize my energy and any cravings throughout the day.

  • In the first few weeks, I experienced some nausea, some tiredness, and some dizziness. It was early as my body was getting used to it.

  • Some days, I worked all day in the salon as it drained my energy and as we know our body tells us the vitamins, nutrients and foods we absolutely need.

  • The cost of Ozempic is not insignificant, costing you between $150 (pharmacy) and $450 (black market). (That was a big no on my part.)

  • Chemists were frequently out of stock when I bought it and I ALWAYS made sure I didn’t buy from one that was about to sell out people with diabetes should be top priority.

Despite some vitriol that will no doubt come my way after writing this piece, I have never felt better about my weight and my body in a long time.

My mind is focused, I have a spring in my step. I feel calmer and more “together”. Oh, and I’m fitting into clothes I never thought I’d wear again.

Medically, my cholesterol and blood pressure are down, and thankfully I’ve avoided the “Ozempic face” of overly sunken eyes (I put it down to having the wider face of my Eastern European father).

Another plus: you have to work through resistance training to regain or retain the muscle mass you lose when you do it.

What about weight gain after using Ozempic?

For me, “the pen” made me more aware of my own eating habits. I don’t even feel like eating “a lot” of food, but always enough to give me the vitamins, nutrients and forage I need.

I haven’t become a goody two-shoes foodie. I love, eat and talk too much about my food because of it, but I feel so much better.

Melissa Hoyer wearing glasses (left) and standing in a red dress (right).

Now I feel much lighter, active and cheerful, says Melissa Hoyer. Source: supplied

Fortunately, I’ve never been a murderous drinker. But since “the pen”, surprisingly, I have minimal to zero cravings for alcohol, preferring plenty of water. My skin is glowing. My eyes are white. How good is that?

I’m glad you do. And what could be wrong with that?

And one last disclaimer: This is just my experience, not an endorsement. If you are considering any type of weight loss medication, you should talk to your doctor first.

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#hiding #decided #Ozempic #worked
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