Staying active in middle age pays physical dividends for decades

For women in their fifties, staying or becoming active may be to quality of life what putting money into a 401k is to retirement savings, an investment that will pay off in long term.

According to a new study published May 2, 2024, exercising regularly during middle age was strongly linked to physical health in later life, even in women who didn’t start until their fifties.PLoS Medicine.

Combined with existing studies, this new work adds to the growing evidence for the benefits of maintaining or adopting an active lifestyle in middle age, says Binh Nguyen, PhD, lead author and researcher at the Prevention Research Collaborative from the University of Sydney in Australia.

Our results suggest that to maintain a good physical health-related quality of life around age 70, earlier inactivity can be compensated for by becoming active in the mid-fifties. It may be possible to turn back the clock in middle age through lifestyle changes like physical activity, Dr. Nguyen says.

Physical activity has proven health benefits

Current US guidelines for physical activity are 150 to 300 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise, or 75 to 150 minutes per week of vigorous-intensity exercise, or some combination of the two .

The guidelines also recommend full-body muscle-strengthening activities of moderate or greater intensity at least two days per week.

These numbers were not pulled out of thin air. Many studies show that this amount offers the greatest benefits in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke (the two leading causes of death in the United States), type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer, and even some infectious diseases such as COVID-19 and the flu.

About 1 in 5 women in the United States meets these guidelines, although this percentage declines with age.

Regular exercise in middle age is linked to a better quality of life later

Although the link between physical activity and health-related quality of life has been shown before, these trials are usually short-term or have only looked at one point in time, the authors say. The current study is unique in that it examined physical activity levels at various times during women’s midlife to explore how different patterns of physical activity influence quality of life in later life, both from a perspective of physical and mental health, says Nguyen.

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