Staying hydrated makes you a better person, a new survey reveals

Trust, generosity and productivity: A new study shows the different ways in which water intake affects the quality of work, relationships and mood.

According to a recent survey of 2,000 Americans, people who hydrate regularly are more receptive to constructive criticism compared to those who are dehydrated (33% vs. 22%).

Coincidentally (or not) hydrated Americans are also more likely to help a coworker in need (45%) than dehydrated Americans (40%).

The survey split respondents between those who hydrate properly on a typical day (68%), those who said they were usually dehydrated (10%) and those who fell somewhere in between (22%).

People who hydrate regularly are more receptive to constructive criticism compared to those who are dehydrated (33% vs. 22%). Suteren Studio –

Commissioned by Brio Water for National Drinking Water Week and conducted by Talker Research, the study found more than a few positive quality of life and work aspects related to adequate hydration.

Those who say they are hydrated on an average day are more likely than their dehydrated counterparts to cook (64% vs. 58%), spend quality time with friends and family (62% vs. 50%), and read (53% vs. .51%) %) regularly.

Eight out of 10 Americans said their lives, including quality of work, relationships, health and mood, would improve if they improved their hydration.

And the majority (57%) said they are a nicer person if they are adequately hydrated.

Coincidentally (or not) hydrated Americans are also more likely to help a coworker in need (45%) than dehydrated Americans (40%). Brio water / SWNS

On average, respondents reported drinking five glasses of water, of the eight commonly recommended kinds, on a typical day. And only 44% believe eight glasses is an up-to-date hydration recommendation.

Considering water intake throughout the day, the average American will start drinking water around 9:00 am, drink water at 12:00 pm, and stop drinking water around at 4:00 p.m.

However, more than a quarter of respondents (26%) avoid drinking water in general because they fear taking too many bathroom breaks during the day.

During a busy day, Americans reported drinking beverages other than water (33%), going from task to task without taking breaks (24%), and running out of bottled water (17%) as the top reasons why they forget to drink water all the time. the day.

Aside from forgetfulness, the factors that most influence Americans’ water intake include exercise and physical activity (39%), seasonality (38%), being busy (34%) , the mood (27%) and the taste of the water (27%).

Those who said they are hydrated on an average day are more likely to cook than their dehydrated counterparts (64% vs. 58%). Brio water / SWNS

Hydration is one of the most important factors influencing happiness and health. While the physical benefits of adequate water intake are obvious, the mental health benefits should be highlighted, said Georgii Tsatrian, Director of Filtration at Brio Water. For National Drinking Water Week, May 5-11, we encourage everyone to take a look at their water intake and assess whether it’s up to par. Improving your hydration is one of the simplest and easiest ways to improve your quality of life.

According to the survey, the most common results of drinking enough water are being more productive (36%), feeling more prepared for the day (32%), having more control over the day (29%) and feeling more confident (27%). ).

More than six in ten Americans (65%) said drinking filtered water is important to them, but more than a third (34%) do not have a water filter at home or at work .

Eight out of 10 Americans said their lives, including quality of work, relationships, health and mood, would improve if they improved their hydration. Brio water / SWNS

Top concerns about drinking unfiltered water include that it contains harmful chemicals and toxins (42%), tastes bad (36%) and causes mineral build-up (30%).

The study showed that most people believe that drinking more will improve their work, relationships, mood and health. So, if you haven’t done so recently, look at how you can increase your water intake throughout the day, so you can live your best life, Tsatrian said. Adequate hydration with high-quality water is truly the foundation of a good life, which you deserve.

Survey methodology:

This random double-choice survey of 2,000 Americans in the general population was commissioned by Brio Water between April 15 and 22, 2024. It was conducted by a market research firm. Search for speakersteam members are members of the Market Research Society (MRS) and the European Society for Marketing Opinion and Research (DREAM).

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