Hair loss due to medication: how to reverse it?

Hair loss due to medication: how to reverse it?

Hair loss can be due to several reasons. The medications you are taking may be one of the causes of your hair loss. Here is the list of medications that …

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California teams up with New Jersey company to make generic drug to reverse opioid overdose

California joins New Jersey company to buy generic opioid overdose reversal drug

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California will soon begin selling its own generic version of Narcan, the drug that can save someone’s life during an opioid overdose under a deal announced Monday …

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California teams up with New Jersey company to make generic drug to reverse opioid overdose

California teams up with New Jersey company to make generic drug to reverse opioid overdose

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) California will soon begin selling its own generic version of Narcan, the drug that can save a person’s life during an opioid overdose, under a deal announced …

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