The #1 workout for seniors

Look, we get it. As you age, you may not feel as energetic as you did in your 30s, 40s, or 50s. According to a 2021 review, between 40% and 74% of older adults in the US suffer from fatigue. However, the way to boost your energy and inject vitality into your life is to find new exercise routines that keep you excited and motivated. Take treadmill workouts, for example. These workouts can be a great tool to help you reach your health and fitness goals, especially for older adults. That’s why we talked to Rachel MacPherson, CPTan ACE-certified personal trainer with Garage Gym Reviews, who shares his #1 workout for seniors.

Walking or running on a treadmill offers a safe, low-impact cardiovascular workout that can help you stay active, improve your stamina, and boost your mood. Staying active is increasingly important to maintaining health and independence as you age. One study found that 12 sessions of treadmill training improved balance and speed among older adults. Plus, regular treadmill exercise can help improve your cardiovascular health, strengthen your muscles, and even improve cognitive function.

“Older people vary widely in their needs and abilities, but getting older means keeping an eye on joint pain, muscle loss and cardiovascular health,” says MacPherson. “This treadmill workout for seniors prioritizes heart health, muscle strength, balance, and overall wellness with a low-impact, easy-to-adjust routine. Try to do this treadmill workout at least five days a week to reach the mark of 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity as recommended by the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.”

Read on for the MacPherson Treadmill Workout for Seniors.

Warm-up (5 minutes)


Before starting your treadmill workout, warm up your muscles to prevent injury and prepare your body for exercise. Start with a brisk walk or light jog on the treadmill for about five minutes at a moderate pace. This will increase your heart rate and blood flow to your muscles, helping to loosen them and improve flexibility. Focus on maintaining good posture and engaging your core muscles during the warm-up.

MacPherson says, “Start with a gentle walk on the treadmill. Set the speed to a comfortable pace where you can easily talk without getting out of breath. The warm-up is important because it prepares the body for exercise by reducing risk of injury and gradually increasing the heart rate.

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Treadmill workout (20 minutes)

treadmill walking

Okay, time for the main part of the treadmill workout. The first phase of this treadmill workout begins with a 10-minute steady-state walking session. Aim for a brisk pace where your breathing is high but not strained, allowing you to hold a conversation without difficulty. Start with a 0% incline and gradually increase it to 2% to 3% to simulate walking outdoors.

Move into phase two of your treadmill workout by incorporating intervals to boost your heart health. Alternate between one-minute sessions of walking at a faster pace (enough to make conversation a little difficult), followed by one minute of your initial brisk pace, for a total of 10 minutes.

Be sure to add an incline to the treadmill for an extra challenge. MacPherson says, “Keep the incline constant at your comfortable level and focus on changing the pace to increase cardiovascular health.”

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Strength and balance exercises

chair squat illustration

After completing your treadmill workout, incorporate some strength and balance exercises to improve overall fitness and reduce the risk of falls.

“After your walking session, add some strength-training exercises like seated leg presses, arm exercises with resistance bands, or standing squats with a chair for support,” says MacPherson. “Include some balance exercises such as standing on one foot and then the other, using the treadmill or a wall for support if necessary. Balance exercises such as standing on one leg or using a table of balance can help improve stability and coordination.”

For each strength exercise, complete three to four sets of 10 to 12 repetitions with one minute of rest between sets.

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cool down

treadmill walking or illustration to cool off

To finish this workout for seniors, incorporate a five-minute cool-down to lower your heart rate and ease your muscles back into their resting state.

To do this effectively, slow down your walking speed and gradually decrease the incline of the treadmill. Focus on deep breathing and gentle stretching to help relax muscles and prevent stiffness.

“Cooling down helps your heart rate return to normal and can reduce stiffness. Gradually reduce your pace until you’re walking slowly, then spend a couple of minutes stretching on or off the treadmill,” she advises. MacPherson.

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