The PHIT Act: A plus for America’s health and wellness

If passed, the PHIT Act would allow Americans to unlock pre-tax health savings and spending accounts (HSAs/FSAs) to pay for fitness expenses, including gym memberships and equipment.
Adam Zeitsiff has been in the global fitness industry for nearly two decades and is currently the Chief Information Officer of LA Fitness. He is also the President of the National Health & Fitness Alliance (NHFA), which is the State and Federal Advocacy Advisory Council of the HFA (formerly IHRSA). You can find Adam on LinkedIn here

For nearly two decades I have had the privilege of serving the health and fitness industry from the inside. I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of exercise for individuals, families, businesses, and our country. As President of the National Health and Fitness Alliance and a proud member of the fitness industry, I strongly believe that the Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act is a game changer, not only for the growth of our industry, but for to the well-being of all. americans

The numbers paint a troubling picture: In the US, chronic diseases from inactivity cost more. 1 billion dollars per year. Yes, that’s a trillion with a T.” Beyond the staggering financial burden, the human cost is devastating. Poor health robs our citizens of vitality, productivity and even life expectancy.

And our children are not immune to this crisis, with the rate of childhood obesity alarmingly high since the dawn of the COVID crisis. A study by the World Obesity Federation predicts that 250 million children and adolescents worldwide will be considered obese by 2030, of which 17 million will be found in the United States (almost 25% of our nation’s children). Simply amazing.

Credit: Adam Zeitsiff

We all know intuitively that regular exercise is a vital pillar of a healthy life, and the science backs it up. However, access to fitness facilities, programs and equipment remains out of reach for many Americans. The PHIT Act addresses this challenge by unlocking Pre-Tax Health Spending and Savings Accounts (HSAs/FSAs) for fitness expenses. For individuals and families, this means that up to $1,000 per year per person or $2,000 per year per family could be devoted to:

  • Gym members:Joining a gym opens up a world of exercise options, expert guidance and community support.
  • Activities and sports programs: These can range from children’s sports leagues to recreational activities for adults, promoting healthy competition and social connections.
  • Exercise equipment:Investments in sports and youth sports equipment make the activity more accessible to our children.

The PHIT Act benefits our nation in several ways:

  • Healthier citizens:When people have the resources to exercise, they naturally move more. Better cardiovascular health, stronger bodies, and better mental well-being are just some of the rewards. This translates into fewer sick days, reduced healthcare costs and a more robust American workforce.
  • A matter of national security: A study by the US Army Public Health Center, the American Heart Association and The Citadel found that 27% of all 17-24 year olds are too overweight to qualify for services military In addition, 47% of men and 59% of women failed the Army’s Entry Level Physical Fitness Test upon entering the service. This is scary and results in a significant pool of potential recruits unable to serve due to preventable health issues. The PHIT Act can play a vital role in reversing this trend by promoting physical activity at a young age, fostering a generation better prepared to defend our nation.
  • Stronger families: Exercising as a family builds healthy habits and builds bonds. The PHIT Act helps make sports and other youth activities more affordable for parents and children, nurturing lifelong physical and social skills.
  • Economic development:Although less tangible, the ripple effects are enormous. A fitter America means more productivity and fewer insurance claims. The fitness industry, already a major employer, will expand and create new jobs.
PHIT Law Congress
The Health and Fitness Association, formerly IHRSA, is working to ensure passage of the PHIT Act (Credit: HFA)

The fitness industry has faced setbacks in recent years, but our role in society has never been more crucial. In the wake of a pandemic that highlighted health disparities, we stand ready to help America rebuild healthier bodies and minds. However, we cannot do it alone. The PHIT Act makes consumers our partners by empowering them to choose fitness. Let’s clarify some key points:

See also

Brea Ballard, World Gym's new VP of Marketing, smiling
  • Choice remains paramount: No one is obligated to spend their HSA/FSA funds on fitness. But for those who value exercise, the opportunity would exist.
  • This is not a ransom:Strong fitness companies will thrive with wider consumer access. The Act does not subsidize poorly run businesses, but instead invests in Americans’ choice to pursue welfare.
  • The tax implications are minimal: The lost income far outweighs the potential savings in healthcare costs down the road.

I urge all citizens, whether you are a fitness enthusiast or someone just starting your health and fitness journey, to contact your elected representatives and voice your support for the PHIT Act.

This legislation is more than industry policy; it’s about investing in the future health, prosperity and happiness of our great nation.

We make physical activity accessible to everyone. We pass the PHIT Act.

#PHIT #Act #Americas #health #wellness
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