These are the ultra-processed foods you most need to avoid, according to a 30-year study | CNN

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Eating ultra-processed foods is associated with an early risk of death, according to a 30-year study, but different foods have different impacts.

Processed meats and sugary foods and drinks are not correlated with the same risks as ultra-processed whole grains, for example, said the study’s lead author, Dr. Mingyang Song, associate professor of clinical epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health.

The study analyzed data from more than 100,000 healthcare professionals in the United States without a history of cancer, cardiovascular disease or diabetes. From 1986 to 2018, participants reported on their health and lifestyle habits every two years.

Every four years, they completed a detailed food questionnaire.

According to the study published Wednesday in the journal The BMJ, the group that ate the least ultra-processed foods ate about three servings a day on average, while the highest had an average of seven servings a day.

Those who ate more had a 4 percent higher risk of death from any cause, including a 9 percent higher risk of neurodegenerative deaths, the data showed.

Song described the correlation as moderate, noting that the connection was not equally strong among all types of ultra-processed foods.

The positive association is driven primarily by a few subgroups, including processed meat and sugary or artificially sweetened beverages, he said.

The findings of this study were consistent with hundreds of others in the field, but what makes this study unique is its analysis of different subgroups within the category of ultra-processed foods, said Dr. Marion Nestle, professor Nutrition, Food Studies and Paulette Goddard Emeritus. public health at New York University.

Song wouldn’t necessarily recommend a complete rejection of all ultra-processed foods because it’s a diverse category, he said.

Cereals, such as whole-wheat breads, are also considered ultra-processed foods, but they contain several beneficial nutrients such as fiber, vitamins and minerals, he said. On the other hand, I think people should try to avoid or limit their consumption of certain ultra-processed foods, such as processed meat, sugary drinks, and potentially artificially sweetened drinks as well.

There are also more questions that need to be answered when it comes to ultra-processed foods.

First, the recent study is strong because of the time covered, but it is an observational study. This means that while researchers may see a correlation, they cannot say that the food was the cause of the deaths, said Dr Peter Wilde, an emeritus fellow at the Quadram Institute Bioscience in the UK.

Researchers also need to study more the components of ultra-processed foods that may be affecting health be food additives, emulsifiers or flavors to advise governments and institutions on how to regulate food, Song said.

The researchers also found that the most important factor in reducing the risk of death is the quality of a person’s overall diet, Song said.

If people maintain a generally healthy diet, I don’t think they need it to be afraid or to be frightened, he said. The overall dietary pattern remains the predominant factor determining health outcomes.

A healthy diet is varied, with as many colorful fruits and vegetables and whole grains as possible, Wilde said.

If you’re concerned about food additives, choose foods that have low levels of additives, he said in an email. Just be aware of the nutritional content of the (ultra-processed foods) you choose to consume.

It is also important to recognize that food should be eaten in balance. Fruit juice contains beneficial vitamins, minerals and antioxidants when consumed in moderation, but in excess it will have high levels of sugar that can negate its benefits, Wilde said.

This is not black and white, he said. A particular food is neither good nor bad, it will contain elements of both, and the balance between the two may depend on how much you eat.

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