Ultra-processed foods (UPF) are harming our health, here’s what we should be eating

What alternatives are there to ultra-processed foods?

Preparing meals and snacks from scratch with unprocessed or minimally processed ingredients is ideal, but for most of us that’s just not possible all the time. The good news is that there are non-UPF versions of many UPFs, these products are processed rather than ultra-processed.

Many organic versions of common UPFs, such as cans of baked beans and non-dairy milk alternatives, are not ultra-processed. For example, most ready-made lasagnes are UPF, but Tesco and Marks & Spencer sell processed but not ultra-processed versions, and both score B for good nutritional quality.

Dr. van Tulleken emphasizes that he does not encourage anyone to eat prepared meals every night just because they are not ultra-processed. There are many non-UPF ready meals that are great and convenient, but the evidence shows that if you can possibly cook lasagna at home, it will be better for you than even non-UPF convenience food.

Dr. van Tulleken also recommends Open Food Facts, a free app and online database that makes it easy to differentiate processed foods from UPF. The UPF is identified as Nova Group 4, while processed foods are Nova Group 3. The database also indicates how nutritious a product is according to the Nutri Score system, a five-point scale that ranks the letters of the foods from A to E, indicating from largest to smallest. nutritional quality and colors from green to red (best to worst).

Why are ultra-processed foods bad for you?

The new Australian study is the latest of many that have linked UPF to a range of health problems, including obesity, diabetes, cancer and dementia. Other recent studies from Australia and China suggested that UPF can significantly increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

Australian research published last year followed more than 10,000 women for 15 years and found that those who consumed the most UPF were 39% more likely to develop hypertension than those who consumed the least. High blood pressure is linked to heart disease, artery disease and dementia.

The Chinese research involved more than 325,000 men and women and linked high UPF consumption to a 24% higher chance of problems such as heart attack, stroke and angina pectoris.

There is also evidence linking UPF to obesity. His thought that the smooth/creamy texture and intense flavor of many UPFs makes them very palatable. This confuses the signals between the gut and the brain; We don’t know when they were full, so we eat more.

Do ultra-processed foods cause cancer?

In 2023, the results of a large study from Imperial College London were published The Lancet medical journal

The research, the largest of its kind, involved almost 200,000 UK adults and linked higher UPF consumption with an increased risk of cancer, specifically ovarian and brain.

It is not clear why the UPF seems to be causing us harm. Research suggests that the problem isn’t just the high levels of sugar, fat and salt found in UPFs, or the additives themselves. Individual UPF ingredients can be harmful, but it’s in combination that they do the most damage, says Dr. van Tulleken. The effect of individual molecules on our metabolism is complex, so scientists are still trying to figure out exactly how this works.

Some scientists are wary of studies that suggest UPFs are at the root of disease. They argue that most of the research is observational and therefore does not prove that UPF actually causes health problems. Researchers can adjust the results to account for some, but not all, of the many lifestyle factors that can influence results, including smoking, exercise, sleep, and stress.

But Dr Courtney Scott, a dietitian at the Food, Agriculture and Countryside Commission, believes there is now enough evidence to sound the alarm bells. Every study on UPF, as far as I know, has shown a negative impact on health, he says. When you combine the consistency of this evidence with what we know about the health benefits of minimally processed foods, it means it’s time to start thinking about how we can reduce UPFs in our stores and in our grocery baskets as well. purchase

Which ultra-processed foods should I avoid?

It’s impossible to accurately rank UPFs from least worst to worst for your health, there are too many factors involved.

Some nutritionists suggest that if you buy UPF, check the label and choose one that is low in sugar, fat and salt. Try to add lots of good stuff to your plate, for example eat lots of green leafy vegetables with a UPF pizza. Or if you have a UPF meal for dinner, try eating less processed foods for the rest of the day.

Similarly, if you have a bacon sandwich for breakfast, opt for a UPF-free dinner with plenty of vegetables.

Processed meat that has been preserved or changed, including bacon, is associated with a higher risk of bowel cancer. According to Cancer Research UK, just 25g a day (that’s a tiny rash) increases your risk. It has also been associated with the consumption of large amounts of red meat.

When it comes to bacon, the chemicals added in processing are to blame: nitrates and nitrites.

It’s about doing what you can where you can because we all have to navigate everyday life, says Dr. Scott. Focus on minimally processed foods whenever possible. And I know this is impossible for many people, but whenever possible, cook these foods yourself so you know exactly what’s in them.

Dr Scott and Dr van Tulleken believe it shouldn’t be up to individual consumers to navigate the UPFs on their own. Our supermarkets and high streets are full of UPFs made by food manufacturers who spend significant amounts of money trying to convince us to buy their products.

I wish there was a public health campaign warning people about the UPF research, which is very strong, says Dr van Tulleken. UPFs should have warning labels and our national nutrition guide should advise people to cut back.

He is not calling for everyone to give up the UPF completely. My interest is that people have more possibilities of choice and freedom, not to tell people what to eat, he says. But if 60 percent of your calories come from UPFs, the evidence shows that these products are worrisome and not made with your health in mind.

Sue Quinn is an award-winning writer, journalist and food blogger penadnspoon.com.

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Image Source : www.telegraph.co.uk

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