Wesley Vissers 3 Best Biceps Exercises – Generation Iron Fitness & Strength Sports Network

How Classic Physique Bodybuilder Vissers Builds Those Golden Era Biceps

When it comes to the classical physics division, there are some names that dominate the industry as of now Chris Bumstead i Ramon Dinobut now after 2024 Arnold Classicit seems as if Wesley Vissers might be giving these two a run for their money. Vissers has been known for his incredible physique, looking straight out of the golden age. One of his most prominent muscle groups is his biceps, and he recently shared a video on his Youtube about his top three exercises for the muscle.

Let’s break it down.

Wesley Vissers top 3 exercises for biceps

  • Biceps Cable Curl
  • Concentration curl
  • Hammer Curl

Biceps Cable Curl

For the first of his first three biceps exercises, the cable curl is your target. Instead of placing the cable at the bottom, Vissers places the pulley at hip height to help train the biceps in their extended position. He also performs this exercise facing away from the pile of cables, and claims that the movement has minimal tension on the contraction, and instead, the stretch is better for the muscle.

Wesley completes 12-20 reps and about two to three sets. Keep in mind that the biceps are a smaller muscle group, which means Vissers doesn’t train them to excessive effort (maxing out reps, sets of 3, etc.). However, he does train them failure as they induce minimal fatigue.

Concentration curl

The concentration curl seems like a forgotten exercise, but it’s a staple of any golden age routine. Vissers performs concentration curls just like Arnold Schwarzenegger he could be seen doing standing reps. Like the cable bicep curl Vissers do 12-20 reps for 2-3 sets, pushing to near failure for maximum stimulation.

Hammer Curl

Last on Wesley Visser’s list of favorite biceps exercises are hammer curls, so he advocates a traditional approach, using dumbbells address the brachial. Throughout the movement, use a natural arm position to avoid elbow discomfort.

Vissers makes sure to complete hammer curls with a full range of motion. Again, stick to two or three sets in the 12-20 rep range, but perform the exercise. unilaterally (one arm at a time) and start with the weaker arm. This helps correct muscle imbalances between the arms.

Vissers Biceps Training Tips

Aside from his top 3 bicep exercises, Vissers presented some bicep training tips to follow

Warming up training again

Vissers prefer to train biceps after a back workout, like training the back help to heat the biceps (pulling movement).

Train with extended muscle length

Wesley claims that muscle growth is accelerated with high tension in the extended position.

Increase the frequency of training

Don’t necessarily follow the mindset of an arm day every day, but Vissers recommends spreading out numerous sets throughout the week rather than keeping them restricted to a single training session. Vissers will do 4-6 sets of work during each biceps session.

Focus on both heads

While training both heads, Vissers prioritizes training the short head of the biceps (outer head), as the short head provides a more pronounced bicep peak. Vissers explains that the brachialis visually enhances the width of the biceps when viewed from the front. Located between the biceps and triceps, the brachialis, when developed, exerts outward pressure on the biceps, thereby increasing its apparent width.

Use the appropriate form

Proper form is crucial to building bigger biceps, but maintaining proper form when training biceps may require using lighter weights. Using heavier weights often causes the surrounding muscles to compensate or use momentum to lift the weight. The goal is to isolate the biceps, not recruit momentum or other muscles.


Overall, Vissers has great biceps, and now we see why. What do you think of Visser’s favorite bicep exercises? Do you agree with them?

Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on FacebookiTwitter.

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Image Source : generationiron.com

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